MHS Concert Band and Choir Participates in MICCA Competition


Malden High School Choir

The Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) competition that the Malden High School choir participated in this year was one of great success. All of the hard work MHS students went through in preparing for the competition and going through the competition itself really paid off. Todd Cole, the instructor of the choir expressed that, “[the] concert choir received a “good” or Bronze rating and Madrigals received an “excellent” or Silver rating.” Along with this, Cole expressed that, “The choirs both did quite well and [the students] sang the literature as well as [they] prepared.”

Although the competition involves hard work and intense preparation the competition was one that students hold in high anticipation.  As Cole stated, “[The students] were very excited.  This is an opportunity for the students to get feedback from reputable directors regarding the current level of their performance.  The students also get to hear great choirs perform from all around Massachusetts.  They work very hard to prepare for this event.”

As a result of year-long training and high levels of motivation, the MHS choir ended the year on a good note. PLans for next year’s competition however are not yet underway because, “ It is a delicate process to select music that truly fits the choir and music that they can both have success with and grow from while learning.” Cole also expressed that he, “usually has  to evaluate the new choir before selecting music for the year.”  With the choir bringing home two awards this year, one can only wonder how far the MHS choir can succeed in the future.


MHS Concert Band

Ending a successful performance at the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA), the Malden High School concert band won a bronze medal this year for the quality of their performance. Over 40 schools participated in this large event, and after taking a break last year from the event, the MHS concert band had been anxious for their show.

Composed of many sophomores and freshmen that made up around two-thirds of the concert band, band instructor Matthew Tavares was nervous for their performance. Because the concert band did not participate in the MICCA event last year, both sophomores and freshmen did not have experience in performing for the competition. However, despite this, the band as a whole “performed really well.” In a performance that could have gone either way, Tavares described that he “was pleasantly surprised,” and was proud of their display.

Over the course of the year, the younger group of freshmen and sophomores had depended on the leadership of the juniors and seniors. The band members had matured, and learned valuable lessons of self-sacrifice and excellence in everything they may do, whatever it may be. They had developed character. In terms of technique, Tavares worked with them in breathing and rhythm, going over basic principles that are important to all aspiring musicians.

Looking forward to next year, Tavares hopes to “recruit brass players.” In the competition, instrumentation is an important element, and Tavares is hoping to have more brass instruments in the mix, such as trumpets and oboes. There are also a contrabass clarinet and a bassoon that are open. Overall, the MICCA competition was a success, and the MHS concert band is proud of their performance.

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