The night of May 14, 2013, was not just another one of those normal nights at Malden High School. Instead, it was the night when the Jenkins Auditorium held the John W. Hutchins Chapter 86th Annual National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. In this ceremony, family, friends, retirees and teachers gathered around to see their family, friends, and students be inducted in NHS.

Senior Ashly Brun, a new inductee to NHS, stated that she wanted to join NHS because of her “service project bracelets for Quinchos. [She] believed that with NHS’ commitment of encouraging students to make an impact on their community, she would bring more awareness to the Los Quinchos organization in Nicaragua.”

Sophomore Sebastian Patino, who is also a new inductee expressed that “it is an honor to be in NHS. It is an experience that [he] believes all high school students should have; a chance to truly show your capabilities and to prove that you have that leadership quality inside you. It is a true blessing.”

The ceremony began with the members of NHS walking on the stage with flowers and seated at their proper seats. NHS advisor Paul Marques began the night with opening comments, and then,  Senior President Iris Feng followed with the opening welcome. Mayor Gary Christenson, MHS Principal Dana Brown and  Malden Public Schools’ Superintendent, Dr. David DeRousi, were also present during the NHS Induction Ceremony.

Once Feng opened with the official welcoming, the Candle Lighting Service took place. The service started with Senior and Blue and Gold editor-in-chief, Sharon Lee delivering a speech on the topic of leadership. Senior Natalie Melo was then the second senior NHS member to speak and addressed scholarships. Senior Erika Hanson followed by speaking about service and last, but not least, senior Simon Rogers delivered a speech on character.

After the Candle Lighting Service ended, Senior Vice President and Blue and Gold online editor-in-chief, Catherine Poirier, read the NHS pledge to the 35 new inductees. In return, they repeat the pledge to her. The inductees next received their NHS Pins, certificates, and cards from Marques and Brown with senior secretary, Lisa DeLacey giving a description about the new inductees.

Once the NHS pins, cards, and certificates were given out, Marques came to the podium and asked the new officers and retired officers to walk towards the table of the stage. The new officers for next year are Juniors Winnie Chen, John Dovan ,Christine Le and Sophomore Blue and Gold member, Julie Lam. The Candle Lighting service to the new officers began with DeLacey who lit the candle to the new secretary, Le and handing her the journal. Then, Senior treasurer and Blue and Gold editor-in-chief, Lauren Benoit, lit the candle for the next treasurer, Dovan and handed him the record book. Next, Poirier lit the candle to the next vice president, Lam and handed her the plaque.  Finally, Feng lit the candle to new president, Chen and hands her the gavel.  In return, the new officers gave them gifts for their service as officers.

Marques recited a speech to the new and retiring officers, and then, the old officers blew their candles out. Benoit called out the names of the senior members as soon as they received  their NHS sashes and the book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss.

The seniors made a tribute to their family members, friends, and staff members of MHS. Once finished, the Teacher of the Year and the Mentor of the Year awards were given out by Junior Florantine “Monica” Joseph to science teacher, Shannon Votaw. Then, DeLacey gave out the Mentor of the Year award to Principal Brown. The NHS Induction Ceremony came to a close with Benoit giving the End of the Year Report and Marques and Principal Brown giving their closing comments.

NHS has created an impact to all of the members, the community and use all of their time when they get a chance.


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