Jody Comer is one of the newest additions of the Malden High School staff. She works for the Teen Parent Office, and has high hopes for this upcoming year. She was happy that “everyone made [her] feel very welcome.”

Her job helps “influence young women who are parents.” After teaching for 7 years, Comer was “hand-picked” to work at Malden High School’s teen parent office. She went through several jobs before growing an interest in child care, where she worked for 15 years. From working at a restaurant to a personal trainer, Comer has done it all.

Comer’s interests include reading, specifically books about teen parents. She relates personally to them because she was “a teen girl; [she] had all kinds of struggles and want[s] to make sure [the students]are in a strong environment.” She watches TV shows like Law and Order, and CSI, but also has a guilty pleasure for reality television, particularly The Voice and American Idol.

Comer states that Michelle Obama has been influential in her life, but she also is inspired by her friends. She values friendship because they are “people that [she respects]….people that are real to [her].”

Before teaching at Malden High School, Comer attended Northshore Community College, where she studied Early Education. She also attended Salem State, and there she received her bachelors degree in Early Education and is in the process of receiving her master degree. She says that “[teen parents] need support”  and is currently attempting to form a mentoring program for young women.

Although she has only been here for a short time, Comer feels like she is adjusting well. “[She sees herself for] here for a long time,” she stated. Everyone opened their arms to her, and helped her with everything she needed.

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