The New Arrivals: Freshman Orientation 2013


With the help of staff and seniors alike, Aug. 28, 2013 welcomed the arrival of many new faces to the student body of Malden High School. Incoming freshmen from all over Malden and other cities arrived to their freshmen orientation, ready to begin their journeys at MHS.

Our school is known for its diversity and this did not change with its new arrivals. To many of the freshmen, MHS is either a fresh new start or a place to continue their academic and athletic endeavors. The new additions walked through the front entrance and into the auditorium, beginning their new experience.

The assembly introduced the students to Principal Dana Brown, and guidance counselors Matthew Sadowski and Heather Northrop. Sadowski made clear that they are “the people who are responsible for [the freshmen] here today, tomorrow, and in 10 years.” The chorus and band made appearances as well.

Afterwards, class by class, students filed out of the auditorium and to their homeroom where they met new faces and rekindled with familiar ones. In homeroom, students were given a background of the school and its functions by seniors and were given advice.

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