Girls Indoor Track: First-Time GBL Champs


This year’s girls indoor track team is competing to be the best they can. They constantly push their efforts to the greatest limits and break their past records. This is clearly shown in their overall attitude about the season.
Both the JV and varsity track teams have given an abundance of effort to their meets, practices, and more. “We have so much more depth this year.” stated captain Joviana Morin. “As a team our overall performances at practice and at meets have definitely improved. I feel…we’re in a better position this year.”
The track team is diverse in several ways. It is filled with runners, throwers, hurdlers, and sprinters. However, they all find a way to work together in a cohesive unit, giving off the feeling of a family. It also has athletes of different sports, and according to track coach David Londino, “it’s a special effort that captures the spirit of Malden High School.”
“We have girls from soccer, softball, field hockey, lacrosse, and many other sports coming together to form a team made up of sprinters, jumpers, throwers, and runners.”
An important part of the track team, according to junior captain Victoria Hannafin, is the “unity, the boys and girls teams are very close and we all support each other.” The track team is among very few MHS sports that works together so much both in practice and meets regardless of gender. “we are all really close to each other and the boys and girls teams have immense amounts of support for one another.”
Senior captain Jacqueline Bouley also states that “the team has become filled with a lot of younger talent, which is good.” There has been plenty of freshman enthusiasm since the first day of practice.
One meet that has stood out against the track meets this year has been against Everett. On Dec. 19, 2013, the team won 72-14. The team also won on a different date 62-24 against Medford. These wins both demonstrate how hard-working the team is. “I love the atmosphere of track as well as the competition and I really enjoy going to and competing in the higher level meets.” added Bouley.
The team is continuing their streak of wins and has successfully won the GBL meet against Cambridge Rindge & Latin. This is the first time that the girls team has become GBL champions in Malden High School history. Through their enormous amounts of effort and competition, they have clearly earned this title.
Londino proudly stated that “this year’s team is very well rounded. We have talented athletes in every event…this year we feel like a clutch performance could come from anywhere at anytime.” This seems to be a universal feeling throughout the team as Morin added. “I feel that what sets us apart from other track teams is the level of commitment from both the coaches and us athletes and the bond that we’ve developed with one another.”
The ending of the track season will surely prove to be bittersweet, with a proud closing to the season with the sting of the end of another season. However, in the spring season, most runners will meet again for outdoor track.

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