The Blue & Gold Art Gallery presents all the illustrious works of the hardworking art students of the Malden High School. “This is another display of their talent,” says Malden High School principal Dana Brown, who believes he has the, “best job in the city of Malden,” and it is a, “privilege to work here.”

The gallery is displaying extravagant artwork as usual, but this year’s gallery unveils the Ceramics and Digital Art artwork from the students of Malden High School for the first time ever. According to Digital Art and Studio teacher, Joseph Luongo, “the show will represent more types of art than before,” and, “it is a well rounded show because of the two new classes.” Ceramics and Foundations of Art teacher, Julie Mullane agrees with Luongo and is, “happy to get ceramics out there.”

As stated by Mullane, “it is really hard for teenagers to be judged by their artwork on the wall.” According to Mary Ann Seager, a Studio teacher at MHS along with Luongo, states that the art pieces were decided, “by jury,” and chosen because, “the work shows progress.” Also, Mullane says, “art is practice, so we take that into consideration when choosing the artwork.” In agreement with both teachers, Luongo says the student work that is able to, “[satisfy] the objectives of the lesson.”

Receiving an outstanding round of applause, Senior Mateo Coronado was awarded gold keys nationally for his portfolio and art work alone. Another astonishing achievement by Coronado was also receiving a scholarship with the worth of 75,000 dollars. Coronado thinks, “It’s a compliment,” to be part of the show, as his general goal is to, “be successful.” As of Seager, Coronado describes her as one of, “the greatest human being[s] [he has] ever met,”  and, was “honoured,” to be taught by her.

Along with Coronado, Senior Sudan Zhuang will also be graduating this year. Her work “Technology Changes Me” was acknowledged nationally, winning first place. Regarding the Blue and Gold Gallery, Zhuang believes it was a, “great opportunity for the kids [and her] to exhibit [her] artwork” at the art gallery. Zhuang, also a student of Seager, received help from her teacher when choosing which artwork to submit. “When your idea is kind of different from the teacher’s idea, you’re probably going to get frustrated,” revealed Zhuang, but the talented artist trusted Seager’s suggestions because of the amount of experience Seager obtained over the years. The art staff and students were excited for this year’s gallery and according to Luongo they were excited for, “the variety of work,” displayed. The artwork will be on display from April 11th to May 10th on 350 Main Street, Malden.

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