Girls Tennis Senior Profile: Cori Malone


Cori MaloneSenior Cori Malone is completing her final year of tennis at Malden High School. Though she is leaving MHS, she is also excited for a fresh start and new beginnings.

Malone has been interested in tennis “ever since [she] was little.” Expressing  that she “always played tennis with [her] dad growing up, [she] really got into it when [she] entered high school.” Her father was a vital role in her interest in tennis, as he was “the number one singles player when he went to MHS.”

On the court, you can find Malone playing third singles. She stated that, “being third singles is a new challenge for [her] because [she] was a doubles player [her] sophomore and junior year, [but she] loves the new challenge.”

Challenges and risks are something Malone constantly takes part in. She is a part of several extracurricular activities around MHS. Being a part of  Play Production, choir, and cheerleading, Malone always finds herself busy with activities. In the fall and winter, she was captain of the varsity cheer team. She often participates in Junior Varieties, as she did this year. Malone also emphasized her love to sing, stating that “[she loves] to sing more than anything [and she] plays guitar and acts as well because [she]  just loves performing in front of people.”

The work ethic that has been adapted by Malone and her team is both effective and enjoyable for the team itself. She stated that “winning isn’t everything, but it’s what [the team] does best [because working] hard from the beginning will take you places.”

The tennis team is constantly finding ways to stay a cohesive unit. Describing the closeness of the team, Malone stated that, “[the team is] closer than [they have] ever been and [they] all have fun playing together and [she] loves that [they] can do that.”

In the fall, Malone will sadly be departing from MHS and attending Bridgewater State University and studying special education and theatre arts. Hopeful about her future, Malone expressed that “[she hopes] to go on to be a special education teacher and work theatre into the classroom, and continue to act.”

It is easy to see the way that each individual member of any team contributes to its unity. Malone described her personal position on the team as “the goofball.” She added that, “When things get serious or awkward I like to lighten the mood somehow. And at practice I’m pretty easy going.”

Malone stated that going to a new school will be a new experience, but she is open to it.  Despite this, starting a new life will be challenging for her because “[MHS has] basically formed [her] into the person that [she is]…[she has] made life-long friends who have taught [her] what true friendship and love is.” Along with this, Malone happily expressed that “MHS is in [her] blood and [she is] going to miss it so much.”

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