Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is a day to honor service members who sacrificed their lives. This event was celebrated once more in Malden High School’s annual Memorial Day Assembly.
The tradition of the assembly began “many years [ago] at Malden High School and then was stopped,” MHS principal Dana Brown explained. The tradition was redeveloped in 2003 by former house principal Thomas Mahoney, and since then, it has been held every year. Brown went on and described Todd Cole, Choral Arts Society director, “as the unofficial advisor to the assembly [since] he organizes the program, involves the students, and works with the City of Malden Veterans Services Office to coordinate the assembly.”
The assembly was graced by the presences of Mayor Gary Christenson, the Director for Veterans Services at MHS, Kevin Jarvis, veteran first lieutenant, Christopher Carney, and principal Brown. The event was put together with the help of students, such as senior Jessie Memmolo and junior Ellie Cordero.
The event began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. It was then followed by students Memmolo and Cordero, who spoke about the history of the holiday while the other guests spoke about their thoughts on the momentous day. Mayor Christenson invited choral arts student, senior Cori Malone, to thank her for her contribution as a singer for the city of Malden.
The event was closed with the MHS choral society, which ended yet another successful Malden High Memorial Day Assembly.

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