Boys Basketball Senior Profile: Fabian Price-Hernandez

Senior profile on Fabian Prince-Hernandez.
Senior profile on Fabian Prince-Hernandez.

What was it like playing basketball at MHS?

It was difficult at times because I had to make my way up to varsity and then make my way up to the starting line up, then that’s when all the fun started. I honestly wish we were more disciplined,  we could have made it to the playoffs.

How long have you played basketball? What made you play?

I started playing sophomore year on junior varsity then was moved up to the varsity team. To be real [Former MHS student] Anthony Gilardi, he told me to try out, I never balled like that so I thought I’d never make it.

What was your favorite thing about being on the team?

Finally dropping 25 points against Everett High School my senior year, we lost but I did my best. Also kids I would have never known became my brothers.

What are your plans for after high school?

I’m trying to make music. 110% anything music related, after my last game I was in the studio from 10 pm to 5 pm the next day game ended at 9.

What advice would you give to the underclassmen on and off the court?

On the court GET BUCKETS! But always play defense or you’ll never win and keep your cool. Off the court, keep your GPA high. Never fail off, always respect every teacher and student in that school because you represent the school.

Who(at MHS) has had a big impact on your life? Why?

I’m going to have to say Mr. Valente. He showed me that you don’t have to be the same boring teacher everyday just to teach, he showed me creativity in the classroom.

What will you miss the most about MHS? And about the basketball season?

Just the people in the halls, all my friends are too funny. For the season, I’ll miss that crowd and my brothers that wear the jersey with me.

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