It Feels Good To Give

Donating seems like a simple thing to do, and it makes a huge difference in the lives of other people.

Because less than 38 percent of the country’s population is eligible to give blood, Malden High students made a great change by donating blood to the American Red Cross. “Giving to others is a good thing” says junior Karina DeAndrade. “It feels good to give.”

Only 1 pint of blood can save up to 3 lives, that’s why the American Red Cross enables youth and young adults to make the world a better place. Junior Alex SIlva states that “I know there is someone out there who need’s it more than I do, and I know i’m making a difference in the world, and I would like to encourage other students at Malden High to step up and make a difference too.”

Some equipment used in the Red Cross' recent blood drive at Malden High School.
Some equipment used in the Red Cross’ recent blood drive at Malden High School. Photo by Leila Greige.

To donate blood to the American Red Cross, you have to be in good general health and feeling well, weigh at least 110 lbs, and be at least 17-years-old in most states, or 16-years-old with parental consent if allowed by state law. The blood drive prevents human suffering from the kindness of volunteers and the generosity of donors.

On the American Red Cross website, adults talk about how this organization is one of the most deliberate donations because The Blood Drive  “empowers ordinary people to perform extraordinary acts of service. Our blood donors are ordinary people – high school students, factory and office workers, business executives, parents and grandparents, and people from every walk of life. But they share one thing – a generous spirit, a desire to give back to their community and help others.” Almost 20 percent of the millions of donations made each year come from high school and college blood drives.

Every two seconds someone needs blood, The American Red Cross foundation has a fulfilling mission to meet that need. So many life-saving medical treatments and procedures need and involve blood transfusions, so it wouldn’t be possible without a blood supply. The need for blood today is constant, so giving a little amount of blood means a lot more in the life of someone else.

Junior Jeffry Georges says that  “I know that if i needed blood, or if someone in my family needed a blood transfusion, i would personally be grateful for someone else’s blood, and i have all this blood to give, so i would like to share it with someone who really needs it.”

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