Senior Pema Kunsal has been playing volleyball for almost four years of her life. As well as being on the varsity volleyball team for the past three years, she has also been playing lacrosse since her freshmen year. For Kunsal, volleyball has been her number one sport ever since she started playing in middle school.  Her favorite thing about volleyball is being able to play the sport she loves with her friends. Kunsal loves the fact that she is able to gain a strong relationship with each member of her team. The special thing about the varsity volleyball team is the fact that there is no “star player” or “MVP” says Kunsal. “We need everyone on the team to cooperate in order to make a good play.” This is why the close bonds created throughout the team are vital in order to create success.

Being on this team has inspired Kunsal to become the best player she can be. Her favorite position to play is being a passer in the back row. Her main goal for her team this season is to become the Greater Boston League champs as well as advance far in states. One of the girls’ GBL opponents, Medford, is Kunsal’s favorite team to face. Not only are they part of the same league and competing for the same title, but they also have equal skill levels to the Malden team which always leads to an unforgettable match.

The most challenging thing about volleyball is having the ability to communicate. “Without good communication we can’t have a successful team” Kunsal urges. Since Kunsal and many members of the team have created close relationships and friendships, their communication skills this year have been impeccable. This is a major reason to why this year’s team has been the most successful in all of Malden High history.

To all new athletes, Kunsal would advise them to do the sport that they really love. Creating close relationships with  teammates is a major part of being part of a team. “There is no such thing as a star player or MVP because every team member plays a huge role on a team, so the closer the relationship and the better the trust you have with your teammates the more successful your team will be” suggests Kunsal.  Her advice is taken from her own experiences while on the team. By being a strong team player who possesses both loyalty and a positive attitude Kunsal has become a role model to other members on the volleyball team.

bumping the ball. Photo by James Mac.
Kunsal bumping the ball. Photo by James Mac.

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