The Votes are in for the Class of 2017

Last Wednesday, Sep. 16, 2015,  students gathered in the cafeteria to enter in the elections. Junior Sanaa Bezzat is running for president, her interest in the elections stemmed from the fact that she always saw herself as someone showing leadership, she could step in and say “this is the game plan”. She thinks being the president is a tough job, but she can manage it. Aside from the serious stuff, she has a positive attitude and thinks it is fun. Changes she would like to make are to help raise more money for the school and to create activities to encourage anti-social people to join. A lot of people have seen Sanaa around the school, and would like to have her input. Rachel Tran is also a junior, and she is running for vice president again.

She is running again because she feels that she can handle all the responsibilities, and she can work with the other offices. Rachel was interested in running since she was a freshman and was thinking about what she could do for the future of Malden High School and raising more money for the school. Specific changes Tran said she would make is to get more people to help out at events like the dances, so it can be super successful. As a past vice president, people know how much hard work and dedication she puts in this job.

This Monday, the results were revealed for the Class of 2017 elections. Vivian Nguyen got the top honor with President. Vice President once again, is Rachel Tran. The title of Treasurer goes to Danny Chen. The new historian is Leah Tramandozzi and the Junior Varieties Coordinator is Nick Acuna. Lastly, the Social Media Chairperson goes to Tori Macdonald. Congrats to all the selected offices!


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