The United Nations is an organization that promotes peace and cooperation between countries. During UN meetings, hundreds of countries sit down to talk about global issues. Model UN is an experiential learning activity where students step into the shoes of world leaders and debate critical issues, replicating the style of the United Nations.

History teacher Rebecca Corcoran runs the club. The purpose of the Model UN club is “for students who enjoy debating outside of the classroom and [a place] where students can build confidence in public speaking, negotiating and also building team skills”. In 7th grade and in 11th grade students usually participate in Model UN simulations where a select few visit Northeastern University to conduct another Model UN simulation with other schools in the Greater Boston area.

Corcoran explained that the club is a good fit for “students who enjoy competing…and also talking about global issues in depth.” The club looks to attend Model UN simulations at Northeastern University in the future and potentially visit a  Model UN conference at Boston College High School.

Corcoran and club members are planning to a host a Model UN conference at MHS. If you are interested in joining this club it’s not too late! Visit room J272 to sign up where the club meets every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 2:30pm.

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