Boys Track Profile: Sam Ali

What is your favorite part about track in general?

-Honestly, my favorite part about track is the competition. Since it is an individual sport, you get what you work for and I kind of like it, because that really separates the good runners from the bad ones.

What made you want to join the sport and when did you join?

-At the beginning, I wasn’t actually going to do it. But then my step-brother, [senior Blue and Gold member] Abdul [Ali], motivated me and told me it’s going to make me faster and better.

What was your favorite part of the season?

-My favorite part of the season is when Abdul, Hamza R., Pedro L. and myself made states for the 4×400 race.

How have you improved since the beginning of the season?

-After I made the team at the beginning of the season, I missed the first two meets, because I had an injury. So, somebody from the other runners had to fill out the last spot for the 300m race. When I came back they told me to race in the 300m race for Junior Varsity just for them to see that I was faster than the other runner, and I proved that I was. Since then, I have been on the top of my game.

Did you set any goals for yourself or the team at the beginning of the season, and if so did you reach those goals?

-At the beginning of the season, my best time for the 300m was 42 seconds. I wasn’t very satisfied with that time, so I set a target which was 39. I worked hard for it and I even got a better time. My best time now is 38.7 seconds. I still believe that I can do better and I will do better in the future.

How would you say track has affected you?

Honestly, I would say that track did change me a lot. It changed the way I think, because rather than me being in my bed at 3:30pm, I was at Salemwood practicing and trying to get better. That made me start to think differently about school and life. Track taught me that if you want something really bad then you have to work so hard to get it, because it’s not just gonna come to you by itself; you have to got chase after it.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

All I gotta say is that they didn’t want us to qualify for states that’s why we qualified, they don’t want us to go to all states that’s why we are going. Losers find excuses, winners find a way.

Ali posing for a photo. Photo by Tatum Skiffington.


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