Kiley Ruelle Qualified for States

Kiley Ruelle has been doing gymnastics for 16 years. Her determination and dedication to the sport has improved both her quality of performance and her attitude towards the sport. She was co-captain of Malden High School’s gymnastics team for the 2015-2016 season, along with fellow senior Jessica Munroe. Her hard work has paid off, as she is now qualified for Massachusetts’ Gymnastics State Tournament.

Ruelle began participating in gymnastics when she was two years old. She remembers that “[she] went to a birthday party at a gymnastics club. After that, [her] mom put [her] in gymnastics classes and [she’s] been doing the sport ever since. Looking back at her years in gymnastics, Ruelle has felt so many emotions, both negative and positive. Ruelle claims that she “is so grateful for [her] experiences in gymnastics. Being the most influential activity in [her] life, it has taught [her] more than just the sport. It has taught [her] determination, patience and confidence.” Ruelle will always keep gymnastics as a part of her life, whether she is a gymnast, a coach or a supportive parent in the future. She claims that she will “never forget the impact gymnastics has had on the person [she is].

While Ruelle is aware that gymnastics is one of the most dangerous sports in the world, that never stopped her from loving it. She claims that gymnastics requires “a substantial amount of mental and physical discipline. It keeps [her] in incredible shape, both physically and mentally.” She believes that “being qualified for states for bars and beam is a great reward for the hard work [she] put into this season, and it feels awesome”.

Leading up to the competition, Ruelle practiced constantly and with all of her heart. She claims that she “practiced bars and beam every day leading up to the competition trying to perfect [her] routines”. Unfortunately, this tournament was the last time Ruelle will ever do gymnastics, as she is ending her 16 year gymnastics career after she graduates high school. She has been “honored to be on the team throughout high school and [she] is grateful to have been a captain. It has given [her] friendships [she will] treasure for a lifetime and memories [she] will never forget.

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