Boys Outdoor Track Profile: Senior Daryl Loreus

Senior Daryl Loreus running the 200m race. Photo by Alysha McDevitt.
Senior Daryl Loreus running the 200m race. Photo by Alysha McDevitt.

Senior Daryl Loreus has been on the boys outdoor track team since his freshman year. “[He] started track mainly because [coach David] Londino was [his] English teacher freshman year and he tried getting as many people as possible to come out for the team.” He decided to join the team “since the only other sport [he] ever played was basketball.” Loreus is a great asset to the team in the triple jump, long jump, 200m dash, and the 4x100m relay.

His biggest accomplishment in his track career so far was during his junior year when he placed ninth at the all states competition for the triple jump. He claimed that “the biggest challenge would have to be remaining confident.” Loreus explained that he tries “to go into every one of [his] events with as much confidence as possible now because [he has] a history of selling [himself] short, causing [him] to under perform sometimes.”

Along with confidence, Loreus expressed his constant concern for his health because “it’s tough remaining healthy, too.” “Doing multiple events can take a lot out of someone so [he] really [has] to make sure [he is] taking care of [himself] by stretching enough and just understanding when [his] body needs rest in order to avoid injuries,” stated Loreus.

As this is his last high school track season, he has set high goals for himself. Loreus stated that “[he] would love to win a GBL championship.” This is a very ambitious goal, but with that, he hopes “to beat all of [his] personal records and maybe even win a medal at states, but winning a championship is [his] number one goal.”

Loreus will be continuing track in college since  he has a great passion for the sport. “[He] want[s] to see how far [he] can go with it and what [he] can be fully capable of in the years to come.” Starting college can be a challenge, and Loreus stated that “[he wants] to be a part of something while [he is] in college and [he] cannot think of anything better to do than join a track team.”

The outdoor track season is always intense, as it is the last season for seniors, and with it comes a list of goals and hopes for individual runners and the team as a whole. The team’s next meet is against Somerville on Wednesday, May 4.

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