Sophomore Allie Russo, senior Deborah Kibazo, and senior Gillian Willcox preparing for the 800m race. Photo by Alysha McDevitt.

Although they have faced a number of hindrances this season, they are running strong, determined to have a great season. Both the boys’ and the girls’ outdoor seasons started March 21, but both meets have been cancelled so far. The Greater Boston League (GBL) opening meet, which was scheduled for April 2, was cancelled due to snow; the team is still unsure of whether or not it will be rescheduled, while the Malden-Everett meet which was scheduled for April 6, was cancelled as well but was rescheduled for Wednesday, April 13.
After a strong indoor season, the track team is running what may be their last season in the GBL. They have set many goals for individual runners, as well as the team as a whole.

When asked how the weather has affected the team, the individual runners gave a variety of answers. Senior, Angus Mo, claimed that “Personally [he feels] that it is important for [their] team, especially some of the new athletes, to compete with other teams. So, when a meet is cancelled, that removes a really good opportunity for [them] to compare [themselves] to other teams and to create new personal records.” However, sophomore Rachel Eaglin believes that “this year [they] have a lot of new girls who are trying to find their place on the team. So, it was a huge help that [they] had more time to figure out who goes where.” Some members of the runners are fairly undecided on where they stand. Sophomore, Kylie Dimaro, “[has] mixed emotions about the delay [of the meets]. [She feels] happy in the moment due to the fact that [they] as a team have more time to train. At the same time, [she feels] worried and confused, because the season is going to be extended and [they] haven’t had much time to practice on the track due to the weather and conflicts.”
Regardless of any disadvantages the team is facing this season, they are continuing to set high goals and run a strong season. Dimaro “[is] concerned due to the fact that a few of [their] top runners are facing injuries. [She feels] that this puts a lot of pressure on [her and her] team as a whole, to work as hard as [they] can to make up for this loss.” For herself, “one of [Dimaro’s] biggest goals is to work up to eventually qualifying for states. [She knows] it will be a lot of work, motivation, and dedication but [she knows her] teammates have similar goals, so [they] can all work together as a team and eventually achieve [their] goals together.”

The team is remaining optimistic and determined, still armed with a large number of talented runners. “[Mo believes] that the team’s biggest challenge this season is to pull together talent in the right places to create a competitive team and bring out some extraordinary performances. For [himself], [he thinks his] biggest challenge is aiming to qualify for the state meet.”
The runners have been practicing hard, in the cold and the rain, preparing hard for the upcoming meets, refusing to let the weather prohibit them from succeeding. Along with the hours of practice he’s put in this season, “[Mo hopes] that with the work [he] put in during [his] past 11 seasons, [he] can qualify for states, if not run a respectable personal best. [He] also [hopes] that this season goes well for the rest of the team since [they] are missing some important scorers that ran in the last season.”

Other than the weather, the team is facing a number of other expected challenges, such as finding everyone’s place on the team and practicing hard. Senior, Daryl Loreus stated that the hardest part of the season “would probably be getting everyone on the same page as far as how [they], as a team, should carry [themselves] and behave whether [they’re] at practice or in a meet. Most of the team is made up of underclassmen so immaturity is usually a problem, but it isn’t something that can’t be changed.”
The team has a number of upcoming meets that they are preparing for but with the team’s dedication and hard work ethic they will be able to overcome adversity.