Superintendent Dr. David DeRuosi Switches Districts from Malden to Saugus

Dr. DeRousi posing for a picture. Photo by The Blue and Gold.
Dr. DeRousi posing for a picture. Photo by Ymanika Nicolas.

After five years as the Superintendent of Malden, Dr David DeRuosi is switching districts to be the new superintendent of Saugus. DeRuosi has been with Malden through many large changes made in the community, whether it’s the latest concerns such as chromebook rollouts and budgetary changes or earlier events such as the election of 2012. Through it all, DeRuosi has been welcomed by the Malden community, as he surely will be when he begins his time in Saugus this year.

DeRuosi is excited for his moving to the district of Saugus, as he is quite familiar with the area after having lived there for about 20 years and having had his children taught through Saugus public schools. After briefly hearing of the open position in Saugus, DeRuosi “clicked on the website to see what the dynamics or what the dimensions of the job [were].” DeRuosi began to ponder this decision after receiving a call from the search agent stating “[the position] was something [he] should give serious thought to.”

DeRuosi claimed his job as superintendent of Malden to be “probably one of the most challenging jobs [he has] ever had.” Additionally, he listed his various jobs in education and leadership as teacher, vice principal, and principal of a high school. DeRuosi explained that “It’s a tough job, being a superintendent really is like the CEO of a big company because there are so many pieces to run a school district.” DeRuosi also admitted that although it is “challenging work” he finds it to be “really rewarding work.”

The Saugus School Committee was seeking out the right person for the job, someone with a good list of desired qualities. Saugus School Committee member Jeannette Meredith described these desired qualities to be “strong leadership skills, strategic thinker, great communicator, interpersonal skills, budget/finance experience, community relations, sense of humor and  trustworthy.” Meredith expressed that “The committee feels Dr. DeRuosi has met all the qualities [they] are looking for in a Superintendent.” Saugus School Committee member Linda Gaieski explained that “[she is] looking for a strong educational leader who can move the system forward and bring the town together with pride in their schools” and “[she is] certain [they] have that man in Dr. DeRuosi.”

DeRuosi had greatly stood out among those seeking this position in Saugus due to “his systematic method of problem solving, his knowledge of interspace collective bargaining, his administrative techniques, his down to earth, common sense approach to people and problems, a basic sense of goodness and kindness as well as a willingness to put welfare of students first,” as described by Gaieski. In addition, Gaieski expressed that DeRuosi had “proven to have solved problems in Malden that match similar concerns in Saugus such as cafeteria worker and custodial issues and collective bargaining issues, as well as raising student achievement gap.” Meredith stated that “Dr DeRuosi stood out to [her] with his vast experience and proven success record in the many areas [they] are currently struggling in.”

After 31 years in education, DeRuosi has gained experience as a classroom teacher, special ed teacher, assistant principal, and principal in a K-8 school. DeRuosi also was once the principal of Revere High School, what DeRuosi described to be “another urban high school much like Malden High School.” In addition, he was also an assistant superintendent for a year before applying for his current position in Malden.

His new position in Saugus excites Deruosi because  “it’s a school district that [he thinks] is looking for somebody with [his] skillset to come in and build a little, shift the focus, and build a culture and a climate.” DeRuosi is not the only one excited for his move to Saugus, Meredith explained that she “[looks] forward to working collaboratively with Dr DeRuosi and the entire district to tackle the many issues [they] are currently facing and taking Saugus to the next level.”

DeRuosi described “the tough part about superintendent” as being “the connection to the kids.” “[He believes] that the greatest job for that is a high school principal”, he added. DeRuosi claimed he “had the best connection [he has] ever had with kids as a high school principal.”  

DeRuosi has made many fond memories during his 5 years as Superintendent of Malden and says “this has been a great experience.” He also commended the district of Malden stating “[he has] great respect for the teachers in Malden, they have done such good work, and the parents because they have a district wide PTO and are getting out in public more with parents.” DeRuosi continued to praise Malden explaining that “[he thinks] Malden really has it all; a great parent base, great kids, and really great teachers and administrators”

After five years with DeRuosi, Malden is wishing him the best as he begins his new position in Saugus. DeRuosi stated that “[he is] going to miss a community that really took a chance on [him] and was able to work with [him] and help [him] grow as a superintendent.”

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