Tornado Travelers Club’s Upcoming Trip to Puerto Rico

Disclaimer: Jesaias Benitez is a member of the Tornado Traveler’s Club.

Come Feb. 18, 2017 you could find yourself exploring Puerto Rico. The Tornado Travelers Club explained that they are a “Malden High School global travel program [which] allows students to become global learners as they experience a variety of cultures in a unique way. Students from Malden High School will have an opportunity to pursue academic excellence as they problem solve their way through new challenges and experiences in each country [they] visit.”

Students must pay for the trip but fundraising opportunities help to lower the cost. Fundraisers include but are not limited to bake sales and scavenger hunts. The club offers scholarships to those who wish to lower these costs of the trip as well. A scholarship opportunity is to create a photo blog or photo journal from the trip.

Math teacher Sara Jones will be the group leader of the upcoming Puerto Rico trip. Upon arrival in San Juan, Puerto Rico, travelers will be taking a guided tour through San Juan to start off their seven day journey in San Juan, Ponce, Parguera, and Fajardo. They will take several tours to places such as the Yunque Rainforest, the Ponce Art museum, and have free time at Fajardo Beach to enjoy snorkeling.

Although there are only six spots left for the trip, this is an amazing opportunity for students to experience traveling the world with classmates and staff from MHS.

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