Memorable is a perfect word to describe the boys volleyball team’s season. Eight weeks worth of hard work, hardships, memories and improvements. All dedication the team had was put into every second they were on the court. Every moment they had spent together was well spent.

Easily said by Junior Mateus Silva that the “friendships [he has] made with the team are ones to never be forgotten.” Many inside jokes and comical moments were made within the few weeks the boys have grown into a small family. Sophomore Manuel Quesada-Nylen says that, “the team this past season made [him] realize that you can make the most unlikely friends through high school.”

Being part of a team is a great high school experience, especially being able to connect with the other players on a different level rather than just being another peer at school. Senior Captain Lin Wunna mentions how, “being able to connect with the different people on the team and learn to adjust our plays with new teammates was something interesting and a new experience for [him].” Having to create chemistry within the court was difficult, but the team managed to make it happen. Although this years’ team is not as large or as experienced as last years’ the boys still made it a learning experience. All players can easily agree that this season was one to never forget.

The team as a whole and as individual players have many to be proud of, although it was not the season they expected to have. Having to work hard and communicate with new people and have the old ones leave can make things go out of order or harder to deal with. But that is what they have to be proud of, still being able to feel comfortable and making it work is what really matters.

Coach Dan Jurkowski can agree that the team has a long way to go, but he is privileged to work with such a great group of kids. Although the season just ended, goals are already being made for the boys next season. Jurkowski mentions that his goal for next season is to, “qualify for the state tournament. The only way [they] will be able to accomplish that is if [they] play more consistent. [They] had a difficult time this season putting quality sets together. It was always one good set, one or two bad sets.”

Being Jurkowski’s first season with the boys made it one that he will never forget. He mentions, “[he] really enjoyed coaching this group. For a few of [their] guys, it was their first time ever playing competitive volleyball, and the veterans on the team did a great job of teaching and encouraging them.” There were never any dull moments during the season especially during practices, Jurkowski mentions, “practice was always competitive and spirited.”

Regardless of their final record, it was evident that they worked hard and tried to make it memorable season. For it only being their second year in the league, all hard work was paid off and they now know what to expect for the years to come. MHS wishes them the best and to work harder as seasons go by, and good luck to all the seniors who are graduating.

The team posing for a picture. Photo by Ana Kerr.
The team posing for a picture. Photo by Ana Kerr.

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