A Look Into the Malden Against Cancer Club

The Malden Against Cancer Club is an organization that helps raise money and awareness toward cancer research.

The club initially began as the Breast Cancer Awareness Club. Then, after a few years of being specifically a breast cancer awareness organization, they decided to broaden it to all cancer research — not just breast cancer. From then on, the Breast Cancer Awareness Club became the Malden Against Cancer club.

Malden Against Cancer raises money and awareness in different ways. They host events such as the Pink Out Games, where athletes and spectators wear pink in order to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. The club sells t-shirts and other breast cancer related items as well. Other events they host are bubble soccer, bake sells, Movember/ No Shave November. During No Shave November, people are encouraged to stop shaving and the club hands out fake mustaches for a dollar, which go to fund prostate cancer research. 

From left to right: senior Grace Melo, junior Tiffany Tortora, and seniors Giovana Vidal, Alinny DeAndrade. Photo taken by Josandy Jeune.
From left to right: seniors Grace Melo and Alinny DeAndrade, junior Tiffany Tortora, and seniors Nathaniel Ilebode and Giovana Vidal. Photo taken by Josandy Jeune.

The advisor of the club is Kristen Kirby, a science teacher at Malden High School. Kirby decided to advise the club because she has been personally affected by cancer and the club was for a good cause. Her role as advisor means that she aids with contacts and such, but she also wants the club to the mainly be student-run, allowing students to be free with their ideas. Kirby states “that the experience so far has been great as [she] likes how every year the club seems to be getting bigger and bigger. [She] is very happy with the turnout this year.”

Members of the club this year include seniors Grace Melo, Giovana Vidal, Alinny DeAndrade, Nathaniel Ilebode and junior Tiffany Tortora. Melo joined because “it was really popular around the school and [she] thought it was for a great cause.”  Melo wanted to join her freshman year because “[she] would always hear how clubs were a great way to meet friends and new people.” Melo finally did join sophomore year when she was more acquainted with the school environment and has loved it ever since.

Malden Against Cancer members making the banner for the pink-out football game. Photo taken by Josandy Jeune.
Malden Against Cancer members making the banner for the pink-out football game. Photo taken by Josandy Jeune.

DeAndrade decided to join because she also “saw how popular it was and [she saw] how effective it was.” DeAndrade has stated how “some clubs are at the school and don’t really do anything. They are just there to be there.” Meanwhile, the Malden Against Cancer club actually works with different organizations and helps people.

Tortora joined the Malden Against Cancer club her freshman year. The reasoning behind it is as well as her peers she “noticed how effective it was and felt that with this club she could make a difference and change things.”

Vidal made the decision to join the club because both her mom and grandma had cancer. She joined the club to help spread awareness and raise money.

These fellow members enjoy the club and have a great time. They love how welcoming the club is to new members and how it doesn’t demand to much from you. Missing meetings are excused because students have obligations such as sports or homework. There is no harm done since there are so many people involved.

They all came to the conclusion that this club is a really great way to meet new people and gain lot of new friends. It’s a good high school experience and any help is accepted. To join, come by after school to Kirby’s room B431.


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