As the fall season arrives, the golf team welcomes all the new members as a part of the community. Freshman Kevin Ivany is excited for the new season as he finds golf to be “fun and a laid back activity.” Kevin mentioned how, as a student athlete, he has always thought of golf as something worth trying out in the future and him being a part of the Malden High School team, gave him just the chance to do so.

             When asked why he chose to join golf among other fall sports, Kevin replied that he was “inspired after seeing the PGA tour on television,” and that he was “looking for something new to try out for the current season.” For him, his experience so far in the golf team was exhilarating as he does not just only enjoy the sport but also his peers and coach at the golf field. From there, he also said about how good the captains are and the coach “ is pretty chill, to be honest.” and that the coach has an attentive attitude when it comes to him  and other student athletes also. As for the captains, “they give us a ride home sometimes, which is pretty nice of them to do so.” Kevin referred to at some point during our meeting.                    

            Though he wasn’t the best at golf as this is his first time experience, Kevin still strived to be a better player with his friends on the team and under the guidance of his coach, he said he feels more confident with his own skill and that his aiming when putting- an action of hitting the golf ball to make it into or closer into the designated hole- has improved drastically compared to before.          

           “ I would recommend golf to others,” Kevin said during the interview “it is not that hard and pretty relaxing.If you are looking for something like a fall sport to try out next year, golf should be on your top list.”

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