Junior Giovanna Lanciani performing her floor routine. Photo taken by Sabrina Monteiro.
Coming to the end of the season, the Malden High School’s gymnastic team will leave the Greater Boston League as champions. This achievement is extensive, especially compared to last year where the team was not able to receive this recognition. This year’s team has made many improvements and were able to leave the season with a huge success.

Gymnastics coach and English teacher Melissa Macey thought the season went exceptionally well. Macey hopes to coach next year as well. This year, they encouraged a lot of the athletes to try a new event and skill they haven’t done before as well as encouraged team bondings. They had a lot of collaboration and teamwork this season. Macey would have to say that their most memorable meet would be their first meet against Medford.
“One of the athletes decided to try a new event and ended up do an amazing job,” Macey stated. Leaving the GBL will be bittersweet as the team enjoyed their success, but Macey is excited that the team will be able to face new challenges in the Northeastern Conference that will help the team grow and advance.

Junior Kaitlyn Kwong believes that the season was “amazing and quick, but fun.” Kwong certainly enjoyed this season because the goals she set were achieved. They won more meets than imagined, which is something the entire team is proud of. The team’s first meet, against Medford, was said to be their most memorable, as Macey stated. Kwong noted that it was “[the team’s] first win of the season and it brought so much joy to the whole team.” Kwong is doleful that the season is over. She will have to get used to “not having a sport to do right after school,” like she had been during the whole season. Kwong also mentioned that “it feels nice to be a winning team at the school,” after winning the GBL championship.
Senior Ricky Mei said the season has been “very enjoyable.” This is Mei’s second year as a gymnast on the MHS team. With three wins and two losses, Mei agrees that the season has been successful, and especially successful if you were to compare it to last year’s. Mei said the team goals were achieved and conquered. Mei’s most memorable meet was the team’s last meet where they went against Medford, similar to their first meet. The meet was the deciding factor in whether they won the GBL title or not. Mei does not plan on furthering his gymnastic career in college. Mei stated that,“those people will be much much better [than him] because they’ve been doing it basically their whole lives,” but appreciates the experiences he’s able to have by being a gymnast for MHS.
Sophomore Kevin Phan has competed in gymnastics for two years now. The season was very successful notably because “[they] won GBL and reached [their] goals in terms of trying [their] hardest and never giving up.” Phan is still yet to find out if [he’ll] be doing gymnastics in college.
All in all, the gymnastics team leave GBL as champions as well as leave this season as champions. They have had a very successful season with three wins and only two loses. They look forward to the season next year in hopes of enhancing their team goals as well as better improving their individual skills.