Photo of plants. Photo from Flickr.
Spring is (supposed to be) here! Which means that it’s time to plant flowers and plants!
Now, knowing most Maldonian houses, some of us have an actual garden with space to start gardening. Some of us, not so much. People who live in apartments or in houses that are closer to other houses, who don’t have access to a little green plot of land, and that is okay! During your spring vacation, here are some things you can do to make your little apartment greener!

Step 1: Picking a plant
Do you want to grow flowers? Or herbs? Maybe just plants in general? Be careful though, you might not be able to accommodate to all of the things your plant needs. You’ll need to figure out whether you have proper lighting, a good room temperature, and motivation.
Not all plants enjoy the same thing. An orchid for instance requires direct lighting and ⅓ cup of water in the form of ice cubes, and they’re moderately easy to take care of especially considering they’re indoor plants. An Anthurium needs bright light constantly, and moderate watering- one mistake, and your plant’s dead!
If you want to keep your plant indoors, year round, you’ll need an indoor plant. Here are some ideas by level of easiness to take care of:

Super easy:
-African Violet
-Wandering Jew
-Cape Primrose
-Peace Lily

-Ponderosa Lemon (yes they make actual lemons)
-Phalaenopsis Orchid
Step 2: Planning Your Garden

Since this step varies from person to person based on the living conditions and space try to consider as many options as possible.
Do you want a clay pot? A tin container? Glass? How much space are you going to dedicate for your plants? Is there enough lighting? Is it in a stable area? Figure it out!
Step 3: Getting it All Together
You can get plants from almost anywhere. Your grandma, a flower shop, Home Depot, a park… literally anywhere (just don’t steal plants that are obviously not yours). Pot your plant according to the instructions of your plant. You might need to do some research. Again, every plant is different.
Step 4: Enjoy
Nothing is better than waking up to find your nice healthy plant basking in the shine. Drink your coffee or tea and breathe in the clean air. Enjoy it!