As the new season beings,  the members of the Crew team are hoping to have a great season filled with accomplishments.

Junior Sebastian Romani recaps that last season, the team consisted of many experienced rowers who have since graduated and explains how it was up to the remaining few who were on the team to step up and “make the season [successful].”

Romani continues to explain how last season was a very fun experience and hopes this season will be similar. He states that due to the lack of announcements, “[the team did not] get a lot of new people this year”, so it will be hard to live up to last year’s success.

Junior Santiago Callejas Portillo also mentions that last season went well and that it was the first time he has received “actual medals.” He explains how his freshman year, [he] was not that good” with the sport but has improved since then.

Left to Right: James Mac, Brandon Li, Henry Nguyen, Paul Araiza, Jesse Bouley, Max Weng, Andrew Cogliano, Waymond Szeto, and Dylan Ha. Photo by Meghan Yip.

Romani adds that for this season he hopes to improve on erging as well as practicing more both inside and outside. He says that “[he loves] when [the team rows] and when [they] practice outside with varsity and the novices. [It is] pretty fun.”

Both Romani and Portillo explains how the team has been preparing for the start of the season by doing indoor workouts to build up their endurance as well as helping the novice get prepared for the season.

Junior Salma Bezzat says that she does not want to lose the momentum the team has had from last year so she expects everyone to “at least be the same skilled and enthusiastic teammate [she knew] from last year.”

Bezzat continues to explain that she hopes to exceed everyone’s expectations for the team. She says that “[she knows] that [they are] so much more than of what people think of [the team].”

Although the weather has affected when the team can get into the water, Portillo believes that they will be able to row at the end of March or early April. Similarly, Romani makes it clear that even with all the snow, he is aiming to get in the water soon, whether it is during April break or after.

Bezzat also states that  “even if [the team is] doing a non-important drill or a small one, [she] always want to push [herself] to [her] hardest” so that she can reach her goals.

Despite pre-season beginning in early February, all new and returning members practice together before that. Bezzat explains that pre-season practices typically occur at MHS, whether it is in the gym, running through the halls, or in the erg room. Once the team can practice at the boathouse, they split up into their boats and practice from their until their regattas.

This season, the MHS crew team are hoping to have an exceptional season by putting in all of their best efforts.

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