All photos by Falyn Kelley and Anna Silva. To see graduation pictures click here!


Malden High School seniors are now moving on to the next stage of their lives, after graduating on Sunday, June 3rd. Finishing their last exams in high school to enjoy their last day of school and prom, Malden High seniors have been ending their school year with many unforgettable memories to continue on with them once they officially graduate.

Graduation, the last memory of senior year, is an important milestone for seniors. Friends, families, and faculty gathered on Sunday, June 3 at McDonald’s Stadium in Malden for the ceremony.

Graduation was crowded with families filling the bleachers, along with concession stands hosted by other MHS students selling food, drinks and other items while the staff and graduates prepare for the upcoming event.

Graduation featured a performance from Malden’s Choral Arts, Band, and speeches from principals and important city officials. Students were then presented their diplomas.

Members of Malden’s faculty such as Judi Sullivan, Chris Mastrangelo, the current principal of MHS, and Kate Haskell, the senior class advisor, spent much of their efforts and dedication into creating a successful graduation for the seniors.  Judi Sullivan helped prepare for the event and has been for many years with duties such as handing out diplomas.

The Malden student body can all agree that the graduation of 2018 is a significant event considering many of their peers are done with high school. To congratulate the graduates, Mastrangelo delivered a moving and inspiring speech to the graduation attendees and reminded the Malden community the brightness of its future and past.

Mastrangelo mentioned that the class of 2018 was a great class with their impact on the underclassman as well as their leadership role in their community. Mastrangelo later delivered a moving and inspiring speech to the graduation attendees and reminded the Malden community the brightness of its future.

With the guidance counselors being a important part of student lives, Erin Craven mentions that  “We work with each student to make sure they have the necessary courses and requirements fulfilled to earn their diploma.”

Along with the staff members of MHS, there were also speeches conducted by Mayor Gary Christenson, Steve Ultrino State Representative,  and John Oteri Superintendent of schools all wishing the students well in the future.

For seniors, graduation is a changing point in their lives, and many of the graduates are going to different colleges or universities. There were four speeches given in representation of the graduating class. They were given by Manuel Queasda Nylen, president of the class of 2018, Orator Cindy Siu, Salutatorian Hong Li Zheng, and Valedictorian Matthew Chin.  Each of their speeches were unique, including popular songs, personal experiences, and even friend shout-outs.

On the field, the graduates have many mixed emotions. Graduate Jenny Huynh mentioned that although she is sad that she is leaving everyone, she is also very happy and satisfied that graduation will be a good end to a chapter of her life; she will also miss the staff members of high school as well as her friends.

Other graduates express similar feelings, like graduate Karina Bressan, when she says “[she] feel[s] really good, [she] feel[s] successful and accomplished.” She also includes that she will miss her friends and the Malden community as a whole.

Graduate Fatima Zahra Lhaloui states that “[graduation is] long overdue, and [she] feel[s] like [the graduates] worked hard to get where [they] are and [she’s] glad that everyone is graduating together.” She describes the moment as bittersweet, commenting that she won’t allow herself to “cry until after [she] gets her diploma.”

Lhaloui’s eagerness to depart from high school is corroborated by other graduates, including Graduate Ramon Aguinaldo, who says he “feel[s] amazing,” going even further as to say that he feels “like the shackles have been loosened and are gone, [he] feel[s] free.” Still, he acknowledges that leaving and going out into the “real world”, where he “won’t see so much color will be kind of hard,” given that diversity is embraced at MHS while some colleges have very different demographics.

Graduate Frida Torres says that despite her fear she’ll fall on the stage, she’s “really excited because [she’s] graduating, and [she] feels like this is a great achievement in [her] life and [she’s] really thankful for all the teachers” and mentors who helped her throughout high school. Torres will be attending MAssachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) in the fall.

Graduate Alicia Tan expresses the same gratitude towards others when she says “[she’d] like to thank all [her] teachers who didn’t give up on [her], even when [she] was going to give up on [herself] .”

Graduates plan on attending colleges across the nation, trade schools, taking gap years, and some even plan on serving in the military. Their willingness to serve was recognized during the ceremony, as was the dedication of many students who were awarded Alumni Scholarships by Greg Lucey of the Malden Alumni Association.

As the seniors tossed their caps into the air, graduation came to an end and the families of the seniors joined them on the field for photos and well wishes. Congratulations to the Class of 2018 for their hard work and perseverance.

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