UNICEF Club is a new club at Malden High that donates at a global scale. The club is run by adviser Suzanne Brill and Sophomores Sohaila Ammar and Melissa Tan as president and vice-president respectively.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is an international subagency of United Nations (UN) that gives back to children and mothers in third world countries that lack of resources. Its headquarters is located in New York City, where it was founded in December 11, 1946 by Ludwik Rajchman, the 1st chairman of the United Nations General Assembly. The organization works in 190 countries and has done so for over 70 years.

Its motto is “All children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential – to the benefit of a better world.”

The process to get the club approved took a week after filling out an application and waiting for Principal Chris Mastrangelo to send them an email. Then the officers had to find an advisor that was willing to take on that role.

The club has already done a bake sale to raise funds and managed to fundraise over $100. It hope to continue bake sales throughout the school year along with some themed events, including a movie night.

Currently, the club is raising money with trick-or-treat boxes. The person who raises the most money by the deadline will receive a reward and all the money raised will go towards UNICEF as a donation. “The back of the boxes shows how much money can supply resources for third world countries, like five dollars supplies a backpack” says the club’s historian and treasurer, Diana Garcia De La Cruz, adding that “as little as 50 cents can buy a kid a meal.”

Tan states that “the goal is to raise at least $1000 this year and have more members join.” After raising the money, the officers “fill out a form and mail it to the Unicef headquarters.”

Ammar states that “Unicef, unlike the other volunteer clubs at [Malden High], such as Key Club and Y-leaders, which help out the local community and Malden specifically, reach out to underdeveloped countries that are in need of immediate help and [supports] them in any way [it] can.”

Donations are accepted even if you are not in the club and can also be done yourself at unicef.org. The club holds meetings in B431 on Wednesdays.

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