MHS Juniors Visit Norwich University

Malden High juniors at Norwich University. Photo submitted by
Caitlin Quinn.

On April 3rd, a group of roughly 20 Malden High juniors joined Caitlin Quinn, the Class of 2020 advisor, and the guidance interns on a field trip to Norwich University.

Usually the visit is during the fall time, although, this year, the trip was postponed until spring to open it up to juniors. Quinn has “been in contact with Norwich throughout the year to plan for this trip.”

Quinn explained that the purpose of this field trip was to “promote and highlight post-secondary options,” that are available for all students. This is the fourth year that Malden High has attended this field trip.

Norwich University is awarding 10 STEM scholarships to qualifying students from Malden High, “who apply and attend their university,” stated Quinn. The scholarships range from $25,000 to $30,000 during each of the four years. Students who receive this scholarship must be majoring in engineering, architecture, computer security and information assurance, computer science, biological sciences, nursing, chemistry, physics, or mathematics.

Prior to receiving the scholarship, students must complete the Norwich scholarship application, visit the campus during a Malden High organized visit or a visit arranged by the admissions office, and attend an interview with a Norwich STEM scholarship representative.

In order to be considered a scholarship recipient, students should have a GPA of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale. However, the university is willing to make some exceptions with a recommendation from a Malden High guidance counselor.

As someone who attended college in Vermont, Quinn “[loves] promoting another Vermont school to students in Malden.”  She expressed that her favorite part of the visit was when they met with Biology and Neuroscience professors and other members of their STEM faculty, and when students “got their hands on a human brain, which was really exciting.”

Junior Mimi Phan said that on the trip she was able to “expand [her] knowledge of different options that could be available for [her],” adding that she “exposed [herself] to that kind of atmosphere.” She explained that the university has a very “nice campus” and that everything seemed to be really “spacious.”

Junior Sean Lightbody stated that they were able to choose whether they wanted to tour the medical sections or engineering sections. He chose to tour the engineering section and saw the types of tools the students there utilized. He explained that “they had 3D models, an aerodynamic testing tube, welding, and they were also working on a robot/drone that was supposed to mine on Mars.” Lightbody expressed that he thoroughly enjoyed touring the engineering section and seeing the different kind of equipment and machinery they had on campus.

Junior Cedrine Brisson explained that the purpose of this field trip was to get a feel for what it is like at “a college was like that was not necessarily in Massachusetts.” She expressed that the campus “was very beautiful and spacious and green,” and added that “it was very different.” Brisson enjoyed the tour of the biology labs, where she and a group of other students were able to “hold a human brain.”

The juniors that visited Norwich University enjoyed learning about the school and the different resources and equipment that students there have access to.

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