Boys Volleyball Loses Against Essex Technical High School

During the game against Presentation of Mary Academy, Jason Chen and Nour Tafraoui block an opponent’s spike. To see more, click here. Photo by Lauren Mallett.

The 2019 Boys Volleyball team had started off with the season with an overall score of 3 – 4. Since last season, they had lost many talented seniors who were qualified for States. This just shows that they need to persevere and try their best to do the same thing.

On April 24, the Boys Volleyball team had lost against Essex Technical High School with an ending score of 3 – 0. In the first quarter, Malden had scored first making the team have a lead start. As the game continues, the opposing starts to be more fierce and hard. As Malden never likes to lose, we can hear the chants on the bleachers rooting for them. This only makes the team more focused and willing to do everything to win. Since there are so many people on their shoulders and counting on them.

By the end of the first half Malden was behind by 13 points with a score of 25 – 11.

It did not take long for the team to realize they need to pick up the pace and build up their offense.

There is no doubt that Malden was close to winning against their opponent. Putting in their best efforts and dedication. They had lost and won a few games in the past. But this only makes them strive forward to have a constant streaks of wins.

Sophomore Kingson Chen is the only sophomore that is playing in Varsity. As this is a big step forward. Chen mentioned, “[it is] difficult being with so many talented players. This only pushes [him] harder and get better.”

Chen explained, “the biggest challenge [they] have to face is making it to states” attributing the reason to many different personalities within the group.

With each individual putting up with their best efforts, Yonetani states, “[they] have a good defense but just lack in attack and communication.”

As the team had faced many challenges and obstacles in the beginning of the season. This only proves that they have things to work on such as teamwork and communication.

A successful season is not really measured by how many wins but by teamwork as well. If the Malden Boys Volleyball team plays the rest of their season with hard work  and maintain positive attitudes, the team will be unstoppable and possibly make it to States.

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