Class of 2019 Social Media Coordinator: Sebastian Romani

Sebastian Romani is the Social Media Coordinator of the Class of 2019. He expresses that being a part of the student council “has been one of the best parts in [his] high school career.” Since his freshman year he has always wanted to get involved with his class and get to know everyone as well. Joining student council has been “[his] stepping stone to meet so many amazing people in this school and in the community.” 

Romani has had a “great time at Malden High,” and it has given him “so many different opportunities and memories that [he] will cherish forever.” One of the most valuable lessons he learned in high school is to never judge a book by its cover. Coming into high school, “[Romani] thought that labels would be harshly enforced onto different groups of kids,” however, he was proven incorrect as he became more outgoing and made more friends. 

He specifically recalls the Class of 2016 officers and how they displayed “great leadership qualities,” which he wanted to pursue as he progressed through his high school career. Going into senior year, Romani slimmed down on extracurriculars to focus on what he was passionate about. 

Throughout high school he has fallen in love with sports, particularly swimming, and performing for the Malden High Band and Wind Ensemble. Romani is also a part of the National Honors Society, which has sprouted his love for helping the community. 

Romani explained that Gregory Simone, a Chemistry teacher at Malden High, has significantly impacted his high school career, as he “was an immediate shoulder to lean on when times got tough.” Simone “always had faith in [Romani] even when [he] did not have any.” Romani plans on attending Boston University and majoring in either sociology or behavioral science.

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