John Crews joined the Malden High School staff at the beginning of this year, being one of the few guidance changes this year. Taking over for Erin Craven, Crews is the new Boyle House guidance counselor. His job is primarily about working with all Boyle House students with the exception of the freshmen. 


Crews grew up in the Bronx and is an avid fan of the New York Giants football team in which he a jersey in his room. One of his largest pastimes is listening to music, specifically of hip hop genre and is even a DJ on the side. Some of Crews’ favorite artists include The Notorious B.I.G, Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar. 


Crews’ position at the school entails many different responsibilities. Crews described his job as “the academic support” as well as “the social and emotional support for students.” Crews states that he additionally assists with “post secondary planning with students.” Alison White, who is another addition to the guidance staff at Malden High this year as the new Boyle freshmen guidance counselor, said that Crews’ position is also responsible for “general [support] within the school, making sure students have any services they require, and even collaborating with staff and students.”


Both Crews and White trained together the week before school started, giving them a chance to get to know each other and their character. White described Crews as the type of person who is “pretty laid back, very approachable, knowledgeable, and has a good sense of humor.” White also mentioned how he is a big New York fan, as previously mentioned with the jersey in his room.

Photo of John Crews taken by David Cartledge.


Crews got his undergraduate in psychology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, NC. Later on, he proceeded to go to grad school to receive his major in counseling at Kent State. He would then go on to be a counselor at the T.C Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. After that, Crews came to Malden. What encouraged him to apply for the position in this community was because of the diversity and he says “[he] got into the profession wanting to work with all kinds of students and staff,” and Malden High gives him a great opportunity to do so. 


When it comes to his first impressions of the school, Crews sounds very pleased, stating that “the students have been very welcoming as well as the staff. There has been an incredibly positive attitude in the school since [he] has been there, and that is a factor that [he] really enjoys.” White also mentioned that “his students have really showed a positive attitude towards him already.”


Coming from very different school district, not only does Crews bring a new perspective to the guidance staff, but he is also the only male guidance counselor at the school. White mentioned how “he is a really good addition and a male perspective can really help. It changes what the counselors are used to, even bringing a new perspective by coming from an out-of-state school. Crews can really add to what is being done already.”


Crews mentioned how this year, he “hopes the students, especially his students, feel comfortable reaching out to him.” Crews also mentioned how “change can be difficult, but [he] hopes his students know that anything they need help with, he will always be there for them.”


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