Malden Public LIbrary Hosted Annual Holiday Food Drive

The Malden Public Library has had an annual Holiday Food Drive tradition stretching back years; showing the spirit of the people and the community. Every year, the Malden Public Library has a food drive around the holidays to donate food to the Salvation Army for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have been doing it for 20 years, and do not plan on stopping anytime soon. 

They almost always had a good turnout with the food drive. One year, the library had to borrow an entire van from the Salvation Army to take all the food! Librarian Tina Vigilante stated that they have “never had anybody come in and say something negative about the food drive… the responses have always been positive.” 

Vigilante however also mentioned that she thinks it would be nice to expand the operation, but that the library has “a lack of staffing available.” These events are all done for the good of the community, as the Malden Public Library is active in civics and local affairs.

The library had a successful food drive which has now ended, thankfully with a variety of donations made by the community. 

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