Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program

The Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program helps students between the ages of 14 and 21 find a job. Oftentimes, the jobs that students find through the program are their first, getting paid the minimum wage, which in Massachusetts is $12 an hour. There are some strict rules that businesses and other affiliates need to adhere to, especially with the program: participates in the program who are 14 or 15 can only work 60 hours throughout the whole summer which is 10 hours a week for 6 weeks, however, older students can work even more. The amount of hours students work also depends on the job site. 

Some jobs were in Malden High School. For example, there were students working in the high school tutoring other students during the Summer School Program and some students were working in PACE classrooms. There were also students that were working in the parks in Malden that provide free lunches for students during the summer. There are jobs where students could work with the Department of Public Works (DPW). If students are looking for a job with more of an office setting they could work in the mayor’s office.

There are two hours each week designed for a work-readiness class, where they use the Signal Success curriculum. This class is all about professionalism. For example, they work on eye contact, handshaking, and things that make students more employable in the future.

If you have any questions about this program students can ask Tarryn Belowsky, a guidance counselor at MHS, in the Jenkins House Office. Her role in this is scheduling students to meet with job coaches. Belowsky believes that the program is a “really great program and it is a good way for students to get their foot in the door and learn a little bit more about working.”

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