MHS Students Take a Trip to Belize

As February vacation started, a group of students led by science teacher Shauna Campbell and math teacher Sarah Jones and English teacher Anne Mooney, along with another group of students from Northern California Packed, up and boarded a plane to Belize.  Not only was this Belize trip fun it was also educational.  

During this week students were able to learn a lot about Belize.  They were able to learn about the ancient and current people of the country and the Mayan history as well as the ecological diversity of the country.

Students looking at and taking photos of sea life. Photo submitted by Shauna Campbell.

In addition to all the fun activities listed above, the students also visited a local school and were able to meet 8th graders as well as give them the donations they had collected before the trip.  

This Belize trip began with a boat ride on the New River where the students were able to get a first glimpse at the wildlife in the city.  The boat ride took them to the first Mayan ruin they hiked, Lamanai, where they were greeted by more wildlife. The next day they went zip-lining through the jungle and cave tubing.  While zip-lining there were nervous students but everyone showed their support and were able to help those who were nervous through that time. The students also visited a butterfly sanctuary, the Belize Zoo, and ended with snorkeling.  

Nina Reyes, Junior at Malden High School, signed up for the trip and was “excited to go.” Reyes chose to go on this with her friends during freshman year and when her sister signed up for Costa Rica she decided that Belize was a similar trip and sounded fun to her.  Although this was her first trip with the school, Reyes says this was “full of adventure” when most school trips are to museums and other not so exciting places.  

Reyes’ favorite part of the trips was cave tubing. Cave tubing is when you tie yourself with a friends’ tube together and you let the current of the water flow through the cave.  Reyes says the water was so beautiful and “made [her] feel so connected to nature.” Inside the cave the students saw natural sparkles on the rocks that were due to water being dripped down them.  There had also been a part of the cave where the students were able to see all the plant life that grew from the sunlight coming through.  

Roberto, the travel guide for this trip, talked the students through the cave as they went through and told them that the caves were once called “the underworld” by the Mayans and this is where they would get to make sacrifices. 

Students relax at the top and enjoy the view. Photo submitted by Shauna Campbell.

Makayla Preston, Junior at MHS, also went on this trip.  For Preston, this trip was a way for her and her friends to “travel out of the country to learn and explore a new culture.” Through this trip, they learned the Mayan culture.  Although this was Preston’s first time out of the country she had fun seeing as there were “so many things to do at all times of the day,” and their schedule was jam-packed. Preston’s favorite part of the jam-packed schedule was the snorkeling.  

Although this trip was only a week, all students that went on this trip were able to learn all about the Mayan culture and were able to have a lot of fun doing different activities. Future trips include Ireland in February of 2021, and Panama in April 2021.  For more information on the upcoming trip to Panama, you can attend a meeting in Ms.Cassidy’s room, B228, on March 12 or visit Mrs.Joyce in room J388 or Ms.Cassidy.  

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