Glass Onion, released in 2022, is a movie sequel to the Knives Out movie which was released in 2019. On December 31st in 2022, I was mindlessly scrolling through social media when I stumbled upon a video advertisement for the movie Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. I was intrigued because I usually find many good shows and movies through media recommendations. Although the movie was new, I was still surprised to see that it was on Netflix since it’s my main streaming service and I had not come across it before.

An official Glass Oninon: A Knives Out Mystery Movie Poster from Netflix.

After eating dinner for New Years Eve, at around 10:00 PM, I finally had some free time and I found myself thinking about this movie again. I was bored with nothing to do on winter break. I was probably drawn to this movie because of its beachy vibes since I missed the summer already, but it looked like something I would enjoy watching.

The film begins with five of the main characters receiving a puzzling box from Miles Bron, also a main character, with an invitation to spend a long weekend on his private island to compete in solving his set-up murder mystery. The recipients of the box being Claire Debella, Lionel Toussaint, Birdie Jay, Duke Cody and Cassandra Brand aka Andi. One these characters chose to invite a master detective, Benoit Blanc, to this venture without informing Miles which leads to much chaos throughout the movie. Plot twist after plot twist, I could never imagine what would happen next. This film was unpredictable and full of suspense, never leaving me bored. 

An official Glass Oninon: A Knives Out Mystery Movie Poster from Netflix.

About ten years ago in the film Andi and her friends, the other recipients of the box, used to hang out at a bar called Glass Onion before they all became successful. Andi had met Miles and introduced him to her friends but Miles had the obsession of, “being responsible for something that gets talked about in the same breath as the Mona Lisa. Forever.” From then on, he put his life’s work into making this phrase a reality which gives this story its roots. It was interesting to see that all of the characters and their backgrounds were all individually revealed in the film which only further developed the complicated story behind the Glass Onion. 

I found that all the characters in the movie were completely different from each other. Claire is the governor for Connecticut, Lionel is a scientist and engineer, Birdie was a model, and Duke is a Twitch streamer. Though they were so different, Miles had gotten control over the lives of each character in a way. This led detective Blanc to notice that every character on the island had a motive to end Miles’ life which turned the story into a real life murder mystery instead of just a game.

By the time the film had ended it was already midnight, making this the first movie I watched in 2023. If I could watch this movie for the first time again I would, but even rewatching it was fun because I was able to notice so many details that I had not paid attention to before. I’d recommend this movie to anyone, it was a fun and exciting watch which left me on the edge of my seat. 

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