Malden Public Library Hosts Young Adult Movie Afternoon

On September 28th the Malden Public Library screened the movie Elemental, a movie about friendship and a love story with the fire element Ember and the water element Wade, showcasing different sides and different lives who find each other in their imperfect world where society says they cannot mix. 

Elemental Movie Poster

The library provided snacks and drinks such as chips, fruit snacks, and juice in the Maccario room which is a public meeting room located on the first floor of the Library.

Inside the Maccario room
Attendees watching the film

“Every month the Malden Public Library usually hosts one or two movie nights and one arts and craft style program a month,” stated Patrick Brennan, the information librarian who is also in charge of the young adult section in the library. 

 “On October 5th there will be an outdoor screening of the same movie, Elementals, for those who missed the first one,” noted Brennan. “October 19 we will be screening Transformers:Rise of the Beasts and sometime in November there will be a screening of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” (which recently came out in theaters on August 2, 2023). 

“The most difficult thing is picking out a movie that families and teens could watch that is appropriate and making sure that the films are 2 hours or less. Nowadays superhero movies in theaters are close to 3 hours or more but we try to keep it within a certain time frame,” stated Brennan.

When entering the Maccario room the chairs were facing a small projector screen. Kids of all ages from middle school to high school attended the screening following a buzz of excitement as kids entered the room. 


Elemental Movie Night Promotional Poster

Viewers all agreed that even though the movie got a low rating it was still “fun to watch” and “A modern-day insight on the struggles of immigrating from your home to somewhere new.” 

As kids and parents left the Maccario room, they all were chatting amongst themselves about the movie, and when asked they all said they planned on attending future movie nights with their friends and family.

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