Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Movie Night

With another Transformers film to add to the Cybertron trilogy, the Malden Public Library decided to host a Young Adult Movie Night on Thursday, Oct. 19 and screened the latest film in the franchise, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

The Malden Public Library’s promotional flyer for the movie night. ASHTON CALIXTE

The screening took place in the library’s Maccario Room. In the room, there are rows of seats on both sides, a space in the middle for the projector, and a projector screen hanging from the ceiling.

As the seventh movie in the popular franchise, viewers had high expectations with a 91% audience score according to the Rotten Tomatoes website. The movie was released on June 9, 2023, but is still a popular movie night choice for people who love the trilogy and wish to see the newest addition. Viewers had high expectations and the film did not disappoint. Classic characters such as Optimus Prime and Bumblebee work with the  Maximals, a set of new characters, to keep the Transwarp Key from the villainous Terrorcons who hope to use the artifact to bring Unicron to Earth. The Maximals team consists of Optimus Primal, who takes the shape of a gorilla, Airazor, who takes the form of a hawk, Cheetor, who takes the form of a cheetah, and Rhinox, who takes the form of a white rhinoceros. 

A view of the movie Transformers: Rise of the Beasts from a seat in the Maccario Room. ASHTON CALIXTE

The movie did not disappoint with action scenes and lines and scenes younger generations would look over but older generations would understand which makes it a perfect movie for kids, teenagers, and adults.

Though few people showed up to the movie night, Patrick Brennan was an amazing host,  providing a variety of chips and juice as well as welcoming people as they entered the room.

With another enjoyable movie night, young adults can look forward to the screening of the Barbie movie in mid-November hosted by Brennan.

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