National Honors Society Newly Elected Officers

This year’s officers (President Makeila Scott, Vice President Alejandra Fernandez, Secretary Elina Yang, and Treasurer Isabella Oliveira) of Malden High’s National Honors Society (NHS) are ready to pass their torches onto the next set of officers after they held elections on April 25th.

2023 – 2024 NHS officers at the Pep-Rally. SHUYI CHEN

Elected 2024-2025 school year officers are President Shawn Chen, Vice President Isabelle Tan, Secretary Kyle Huang, and Treasurer Orit Abel. Holding an officer position in the National Honors Society is a very important part of the school, as this organization holds and volunteers at many events for students to engage in community events. 

The respected NHS honor, scholarship, service, leadership, and character, are all factors the newly elected officers have.

However, being an officer comes with big responsibilities and pressure with the first step being putting your name on the ballot. President Scott commented that “having the courage to run for one of these positions is very impressive with the amount of competition it comes with, especially with the fact that we do a waterfall election with many candidates and only 4 positions.”

“I wanted to run for the president position because I enjoy helping my community. I actively participate in many Y-Leaders and Key Club events, accumulating over 200 volunteer hours for each club. NHS is a community-based organization that I would like to take part of,” said newly elected President Chen.

Responsibilities come and go, but you often rely on your other officers to help out. Treasurer Isabella Oliveira spoke about how this is a team and not one person can get things accomplished by themselves. “Us officers work closely together to get things done like run meetings, etc.”

“One of the biggest events we organize is Pep Rally where every single grade gathers together and competes for a win in different events. This event wouldn’t be possible without communication between us,” Scott added.

As the 2024 school year comes to an end and seniors graduate, there is a set of leaders in the Malden High building and NHS is no exception to that.

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