On December 27, 2024, a group of 115 Catholics led by Pastor Fr. Micheal Harrington landed in Rome, Italy as they prepared to witness the city that holds artifacts and sacred parts of their Catholic faith.
While Rome is known for its ancient structures such as the Colosseum or the Pantheon, many are unaware of the beauty it presents for Catholics. One of the most prominent examples is St. Peter’s Basilica, a monument crucial to the Catholic faith. It is believed to be the burial site of the person it is named after: Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.
Witnessing the St. Peter’s Basilica was among the most memorable moments for the pilgrims who spent a week in Rome. “Being in a new country with all new things to do and sites to see with such a rich history kind of fuels you to see as much as you can in such little time. Waking up and hearing ‘We’re going inside the Vatican today’ or ‘We’re going inside Saint Peter’s Basilica’ instantly wakes you up with excitement,” said Loan Pereira, a 21-year-old who attended the pilgrimage with his mother, two sisters, and one-year-old nephew.

of the Angels as it towers over passing pedestrians.


Like any other pilgrimage, the group’s journey through Rome was difficult. However, despite days filled with long walks and packed crowds, each person found a way to maintain optimism. Like many others in the group, Clare Nadores utilized the group’s love and support to maintain motivation to continue. “Surrounding myself with my friends helped the most. I realized that accepting the struggle is part of the pilgrimage. Recognizing that much of the growth comes from your attitude during the hard parts of the pilgrimage helped me to let go of stress at the moment,” expressed Nadores.
Just like her sister, Paula Nadores was able to find motivation while she spoke with the friends she made throughout the pilgrimage. “The friends I made helped me keep a positive attitude during [the time in] Rome. Every morning and throughout the day, they would always be there to say something funny and make time to hang out, which would instantly lift my attitude.”
While many were encouraged by the friends they made on the pilgrimage, the biggest sense of encouragement came from the group’s faith. Nadores also reflected on how her relationship with God has developed. “I’ve found that I’ve grown in a deeper understanding of the mystery of my faith. I’ve wanted to reconcile myself with God a lot more. It’s easier for me to want to do better and believe in His existence in general,” stated Nadores.
Overall, after spending just a week in the center of the Catholic church, the pilgrims were able to build a strong relationship with each other and a stronger relationship with God. Those interested in learning more about this pilgrimage can contact Fr. Harrington at St. Mary’s of The Annunciation in Cambridge, Massachusetts.