Clearing Their Way Into The New Season

With the Malden High School’s Girls Lacrosse team’s season just kicking off, the team is eager to welcome the new season. Already the team is putting in their best efforts on and off the field. With new talent on the team, the team expects great things for this season.

As far as things go on the field, players are trying to improve on their personal skills as well as communication skills. Many people who have joined the lacrosse team are rookies as this their first time even learning the game. Thus, knowledge of the rules, strategies, and plays is an important thing for the newcomers to gain if they wish to advance in their lacrosse careers. New players are already getting the hang of things, though only having their first few games.

Senior Sarah Rosatone explained that she wanted to “create a really strong foundation for the girls lacrosse team so in the future we can see it paying off with more wins.” The team is known to a sisterhood as the team always does their best together and always looks forward to helping improving one another’s skills.

Although the season may have just begun, with the help of their many captains practice, every girl managed to be in really good shape. There practices were certainly a workout for the girls, but the players will do anything it takes to be ready for harder opponents they have to face in future games.

This being shown in their first game against Lowell on April 1st. The girls varsity team fought their hardest, in the end Lowell ended up taking the win. Though team isn’t paying attention to their loss, the varsity team is just looking to win future games.

Even with it being just the start of the season, the girls lacrosse team are always looking towards what’s to come. The senior captains are even starting to prep the team for when they will no longer be there, by working hard alongside the underclassmen. Rosatone mentioned that she wants future varsity teams to “continue realizing the importance of building our team up with a strong skill set to be competitive with more advanced teams.” That being said, the seniors still aim to leave their mark on the Malden High School Girls lacrosse team with this season.

Senior Lily Chen added that “[they] want to keep up the energy and not let one bad game or practice get to [them]. With the positive attitude and hard work, [they] look forward to a great season.” The girls lacrosse team’s positive attitude is hopefully going to help them grow. MHS looks forward to what the girls make of the rest of their season.

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