
Submission Guidelines

You may submit some form of creativity for consideration to be featured on page 3 of the Blue & Gold newspaper. Your options include but are not limited to:

  • Comics, political cartoons
  • Art, photography
  • Writing excerpts, poetry
  • Op-ed, response to an article, or a Letter-to-the-Editor (see page on Letter-to-the-Editor)
  • Anything of the like! Be creative.


All submissions should be able to be fit in a space 6 inches wide and 8 inches tall*. For writing submissions, that is about 500 words or about 40 lines on a page at 12 point font. The smaller the submission, the more likely we will able to feature it on our page.

For drawings, keep in mind how dark or light it may appear in print. For writing, we strongly encourage you to send us text on a Google Doc or over the email rather than in handwriting, unless it is part of a hand-made design.

*For art, photography, or comics, we can edit the file to compensate for inadequate sizes, but mind the size of any text, detail, or parts that may not be visible if the submission is shrunk.


We will consider submissions regardless of their content or bias; however, since this paper is meant to represent the school, we ask you to refrain from incorporating strong language, violent and obscene images, or prejudiced comments.


While we will consider every submission, submissions that follow the next issue’s theme are more likely to be published. The theme will be announced on the website and, occasionally, over school announcements. We recommend that you consider the theme if you have not developed your submission. If we wish to postpone the publication of your submission for another issue, we will inform you.

Online Content

Unless the author requests otherwise, we reserve the right to publish submissions online. You will be credited accordingly and your work will be featured on the website.


To submit creative work, you may hand it in to Mr. Gallagher in room J387  or email and the submission will be forwarded to the heads and editors for consideration. Be sure to include your name, grade, email, and a title. Submitting anonymously is acceptable and will not affect your chances of being featured.

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