“Impactful,” is the one word that Junior Henry Dzuong used to describe the seniors of the Boys’...
boys tennis
As the afternoon sun lights Amerige Park in Malden–a bright gesture from spring–the team always enters the...
Senior Thomas Tran hitting the ball off his court. From 2017 to 2018 Blue and Gold Archives....
The Boys Tennis season has come to an end with a record of six wins and ten...
Junior Thomas Tran with a backhand stroke. Photo by David Cartledge. The boys tennis season is halfway...
Sophomore Liam Schwab serving to his opponent. Photo by David Cartledge. Click here to see the rest...
Sophomore Jenny Nguyen is playing on the varsity girls tennis team for her second year playing tennis....
Senior Kalsang Sonam preparing to serve. Photo by David Cartledge. On April 5th, the Boys Tennis team...
With the start of Spring, the Spring sports have also began, one of which being boys tennis....