Seniors cheering on the sidelines at the Powderpuff games. Photo by Julie Lam


From wacky tacky day to the pep rally, spirit week holds a lot of activities for the students at Malden High School, and one of the most anticipated events is the annual powderpuff game.  With the start of Thanksgiving break, all of the students are excited, so what better way to start it off other than a girls football game? The powderpuff game is held every year, the day before Thanksgiving, as a way to get players from the MHS football team ready for their big game the day after. In this game, the senior and junior girls from MHS go head to head in an intense game of two hand touch football. But be aware, this is not just some boring game where the girls do not know what they are doing. Through hard practices and talk from both teams, the girls have shown how determined they are to win the game.

With  limited time, the senior girls worked hard and were able to pick up the rules right away during practices. The seniors also won the previous game from last year, as juniors against the seniors. Senior coach Devin Naylor expressed, “The girls have done well during the practices. They were all very focused and wanted to take part.”  Coaching the senior team were MHS senior football members, Jacob Martino, Devin Naylor, Paul Kiernan, Jean Sylvain, and Cruz Desrochers. Throughout the practices, the senior coaches were very impressed with the how much improvement the girls were making. It surely showed during the game against the juniors. The seniors dominated the juniors with a score of 8-0, scoring one touchdown and receiving a two point conversion. Coming to the game with no specific strategy and wishing for an extension time for practice, the girls played exceptionally well. The coaches had faith in the girls and they were very proud with outcome of the game.

Although the junior girls were unsuccessful in their attempt to take away the seniors’ victory, they were able to show that they were no easy team to defeat.  This being their first year playing the powderpuff game and for many even actually playing football, their MHS football member and coach Jensen Ayuk was very proud.  Ayuk commented, “from day one they made progress and were very cooperative, making [the experience] very fun.”  Being the only coach you could imagine the struggle it was to coach a group of teenage girls but through their hard work in practices, Ayuk felt that they were prepared for the game.  The seniors showed that they were prepared as well, hungry for a win in their last year at MHS.  Even though the juniors did not score, they did an excellent job of holding the seniors back, making their goal a lot harder. Players that stood out from the juniors included Jacqueline Bouley, Keirra Sexton, and Regeane Exume.  Bouley tells us that, “It was an unforgettable experience and I can’t wait till next year,” junior Jacqueline Bouley tell us.  This loss has not stopped the girls yet have made them even more anxious to win in their senior year.

The powderpuff game was a great experience for both classes. The coaches had a great time assisting them, while the players had a great time learning and playing the sport. The outcome of the powder puff game was a great way to close the last spirit week for the senior class. As for the juniors, they are expected to be prepared for the next powderpuff game.

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