English teacher, Beverly Nyman, is returning to Malden High School after she had to leave last year to get foot surgery. Nyman left the day before April vacation last year and although she says it was an awkward time, “[she thinks] that the students did just fine without [her].”

Although her recovery took longer than expected, she explained that “it has been showing a lot of progress and [she] can actually wear two of the same shoes now!” But, towards the end of summer, Nyman was able to enjoy some time away from home and travel to Cape Cod. “Even though [she] could not go in the water, it [was] great to be on the beach with fresh air,” said Nyman.

Nyman has been teaching at MHS for 27 years now. She was born and raised in Malden and she graduated MHS in 1965. “It is totally different now,” Nyman explained, “from [her] vantage point, because [when I] was a student, the teachers were very strict.”

For the new students here at MHS,  “there are so many different students, clubs, and organizations… [it is] a great way to meet people and do things that you have never done before,” Nyman advised, “but of course, they have to be serious about their schoolwork too.”

“It is good to be back but it is somewhat challenging because [she is] still recovering,” expressed Nyman, “but when [she is] in here and teaching with the students, [she forgets] most of the time.” This year, Nyman looks forward to challenging a new set of students to see how they react and respond. [She is] also looking forward to getting back to her friends in the English department and throughout the school.

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