Charles Bowers is a returning member of the Malden High School staff this year. Bowers belongs to MHS’ Business Department where he teaches Accounting 1, 2 and 3, Business Law, as well as an AP Economics course in the Virtual High School program. Returning to MHS makes Bowers feels like he is “going back home” which he is ecstatic about it.

Before his reinstatement as a teacher of MHS, Bowers taught a year of eighth grade social studies at the Salemwood Middle School. Bowers explained that his experience as a middle school teacher helped him gain a “renewed respect for middle school teachers and the transitioning process for middle school students” into a high school setting.

Comparing the students at an elementary and high school level, Bowers discovered that  high school students are usually more career-minded and mature than middle school students, which is why he prefers teaching in a high school setting.  Bowers stated that “more than the course, [it is] teaching students for their career objective” which is why he enjoys teaching those subjects at a high school level.

While he loves teaching, Bowers fills up his free time with other activities he also finds enjoyable. Among his many hobbies, he finds reading and cooking to be very enjoyable. One of the things he loves and appreciates most in his life is his family. From his wife to his daughters, Bowers is a family man and not just simply a teacher. Although he doesn’t “have [much] leisure or free time during the academic year…[he] enjoys watching an occasional sports game” when he has the chance. When school is out and more time is available, Bowers happily spends his summers along the Adriatic Coast in Italy. It goes to show that there is more to this man than just being a wonderful asset to the staff of MHS.

Bowers graduated from Northeastern’s College of Business Administration, with a major in finance and a minor in economics. He also attended Suffolk University’s law school. Before he got into law school, Bowers worked as a financial analyst. After law school, he worked as a tax attorney for an investment company for over ten years. What made him choose a career as a lawyer was his “keen interest in the pursuit of justice and what justice represents.”

Bower’s main inspiration for pursuing a career in teaching was his love of academic life. He realized this love when he noticed just how much he missed academic life while helping his daughters with their schoolwork. This love made it a simple decision to become a teacher and all of MHS is grateful for that decision.


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