Field Hockey: New Members Bring High Hopes


With a new school year, brings a new Field Hockey team. The team is being flooded with many different players, widening their skillset in the process. As coach Kimberly Barber states, “only six players are returning to the varsity roster this season,” allowing a brand new squad of athletes to add their strengths to those of the veteran players. The team is led by captains senior Blue and Gold Member Kristen Leonard and senior Julie Bourgea. This means that the returning players now have the added responsibility of bringing the new team together, but Barber isn’t worried, adding that “[the seniors] are really [the] key players.” Since it is only her second year as head coach, Barber admits she “[is] learning too,” but so far, there are no major weaknesses to be detected in the new and improved team.

Just as important as the coach are the players on the team itself, both new and returning. Bourgea is confident in her team, stating that “everyone has different strengths” and that they are “extremely talented”. With approaching games in North Reading and Marblehead next week, Bourgea hopes to “show [the other] teams how good [they] really are,” and add some wins to the teams record of 0-1-7. Both the coach and captains are happy with many of the new recruits, specifically their new varsity goalie, sophomore Katie Howe, who gives Barber “high hopes for a great season.”

As with most teams, the girls have a strong bond with each other on and off the field. Sophomore Terrica Dang says that “one of our greatest skills is our communication…we just need to put all of our skills together.” Despite their rough start to the season, Dang says that “we pick each other up,” and that her long term goals include “[winning] as many games as I can.”

Barber and Bourgea have both confirmed that the team is working on their offensive lines and becoming more aggressive, with Barber adding “[the players] need to be stronger in the circle…[they are] too nice!” The team also seeks improvement with their stick handling skills, according to Bourgea.

This year’s MHS field hockey team is teeming with diversity and potential. The many new players allow “[the] program to grow from the ground up,” according to Barber with added help from the captains and returning players. Dangs also states that everyone “[has] a special part on the team,” and that they will be able to improve with a lot of practice and determination. The team already possesses excellent communication skills, which will enhance the already impressive efforts they are giving this year. With many more games ahead in the near future, the field hockey team still has plenty of opportunities to make this season a great one.


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