Model UN Teacher of the Year Award


Carol Mastromauro, the teacher residing in room J272, has won the Model UN Teacher of the Year award. After years of working with the students in her classroom, Mastromauro has molded them into new students, students who have learned skills that apply to outside situations. She is very dedicated to her work in the classroom, and loves seeing how excited the kids get over their assignments.

When Mastromauro found out that she had won the award, “[she] felt humbled; it was like a treat, because [she loves] Model UN.” Mastromauro teaches her students to be global citizens by researching the problem in their assigned country and reacting to it together. Mastromauro encourages her students to use network news, so that they get more and more familiar with the world.

In class, the students run debates on global issues. The students become engaged on a more intellectual level, and that is what Mastromauro likes to see. “It builds their self confidence”, Mastromauro said, “and they go in there thinking they are experts.” Mastromauro believes that programs such as Model UN are so amazing for young students to learn new skills that not only will they use in school, but after school, and after college.

Senior Hanh Pham remembers spending a week of her summer at Harvard University. In seminars, Pham, as well as other students, talked about global issues, such as international relations. They “[learned] to be more outspoken.” Mastromauro “provides a lot of opportunities” similar to these throughout the year. During the school year, students are allowed to participate in two Model UN’s events. They had the chance to step out of their comfort zone, all thanks to Mastromauro.

Dana Brown, principal of Malden High School, said that Model UN allows students to create the skills Mastromauro teaches them to use. MHS has been participating in the Model UN of greater Boston organization for multiple years now. They have won many awards, which are located in the different social studies classrooms. Brown, very impressed by Mastromauro’s teaching, describes her as dedicated, committed, and tenacious. “By tenacious, I mean she works really, really hard, and she also expects her students to.”

Gregory Hurley, colleague of Mastromauro since 2004, described her as a “caring, giving, passionate” person. Hurley works himself in the classroom UN organization. The UN classroom units are based mainly on the junior class. When asked what the best part about the UN unit, Hurley quoted, “everything we do is preparing kids for Model UN.” The UN unit in social studies is meant to tap into many skills and the class content. “It helps the students ability to write, speak, and think in a more sophisticated manner.”

Mastromauro, who is a dedicated, passionate woman, pushes herself to help her students, and to provide the skills they need. Senior Raymond Chen appreciated Mastromauro’s endless efforts to “interact with the students,” and help them succeed.

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