Golf: Putting Away The Clubs


As the winter chill begins to settle in, golf season is coming to a close. Even though the season has ended, it will be looked back on fondly. With a record of 7-2, this season was a very successful one for the MHS golf team.

The team persevered throughout the fall; having ups and downs without ever giving up. Even though they faced two losses at the putts of long-time rival Medford High School, the team went on winning against every other high school. They faced Somerville, Cambridge, Medford, Everett, and the Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational High School. Each match was fought fiercely and their best was placed into each stroke. Through this perseverance they won many and lost very few. MHS golf is a skilled, hardworking, and a determined team where never giving up is an expression displayed through example and not speech.

Many goals were met this season. Senior captain Nick Ward exclaimed how “good it was to finally get the upper hand” against teams such as Cambridge, are most definitely tough competition.  Individually, a plethora of satisfactions and objectives were met and achieved as well. Many of the players did the best they’ve done in their whole golf careers, which they take great pride in.

Now as the seasons over, the next one is looming. Even though senior captain Nick Ward will be gone, captains Tristar To and Pierro Pocobene will remain to lead the strong and growing team of MHS golf. The hopes for next season is for “a successful one and to make states again.” And to hopefully take it. Congrats to this year’s golf team and good luck to next year’s.


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