Students and Faculty Go Head to Head


Teacher Dana Marie Brown shoots a free throw. Photo by Cassandra Reyes

As a high school student, there are not many chances to verse the staff at your own school in a sporting event. Interesting schools, such as Malden High School, are always planning fundraisers which involve the whole community. The students at MHS had the opportunity to go against the staff in a game of basketball. The fourth annual Student-Faculty Basketball Game took place on Mar. 12, 2014.

The event was put together by science teacher Shauna Campbell, Phoung Ho, math teacher Sarah Jones and the members of Crew team. There are many people who look forward to this event every year, hence why it is so successful and has continued.

Head coordinator of the event, Campbell, has been apart of the planning of the game for three years. The profit is divided among the school trip of 2014 to China run by Phoung, the 2015 school trip to Ecuador run by Campbell, and for Crew team necessities.

Members of the Crew team are asked to sell tickets and make posters. Campbell expresses that she has to do “a lot of emailing asking teachers to participate.” Along with emailing, Campbell and the other teachers have to go through the process of making t-shirts for the teachers to play in.

Within minutes of the gym doors opening, the bleachers became flooded with students, administrators, and other members of the Malden community; some cheering the teachers on, others cheering the students on. Members of the boys and girls junior varsity basketball teams went head to head with their very own teachers, guidance counselors, and other MHS staff.

Keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats, the two opposing teams continuously took turns with who was in the lead. Still with less than a minute on the clock to go, there was no huge lead, either team could’ve taken the win. With a final score of 44-37, the students walked away with a win. Senior varsity basketball member Regine Exume says, “it was really fun, every year it is…there were teachers that amaze[d] me.”

Although the Ecuador trip will be over shortly, Campbell continues to host the annual basketball game, also keeping in mind that she will most likely get the task of advising another school trip. Sophomore varsity basketball member Danley Exilhomme expresses that, “[the game is] a great way to bring the school together.” Many people are looking forward to either spectating or participating in the event next year.


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