Alumni Association Presents First Annual Hall of Fame


Gary Cherone

Class of 1979

Some people’s inspiration begins to develop by playing music in a garage underneath a parent’s house, but Gary F. Cherone’s inspiration started in a classroom at Malden High School. After enduring four years of school, with endless possibilities of becoming whoever he wanted to be, Cherone knew that music was his one undying passion.

His passion developed with his rock group, Extreme. After writing hits, such as “More than Words,” which has hit number one on Billboard, Malden knew that it generated a glowing rock star.

Although he could not attend the event, his lifelong achievements were evident through various clips of his songs and him performing. Giving back to his roots helps him stay in touch with them.

Click here to watch Cherone’s unique career after high school.

Kevin Cullen

Class of 1977

Starting off as a former Blue and Gold member at Malden High School, Kevin W. Cullen soon reached high goals now working for the Boston Globe as a columnist.

He started off working with important news organizations, such as the Associated Press, which jump-started his career; he explored his talent and career field, and soon began writing influential stories for the Boston Globe.

Because he started working as a typist for 30 hours a week, he learned that the work he was doing would never appear in his college classrooms. He worked hard, and soon started working for the Boston Herald in 1983 for two years. The Boston Herald accepted workers who studied in prestigious universities, such as Harvard.

However, the newspaper knew they needed more diversity, and with the credits Cullen earned in UMass Amherst and Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland gave him an advantage. More experience gave him more learning opportunities.

Cullen’s job as a columnist brought him in interesting places. Europe remembered his name when he visited for top stories. During his time there, he gathered knowledge for his book, Whitey Bulger: America’s Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt that Brought Him to Justice. His relentless attitude towards his subject contributed to the book’s success.

The business kept him interested: “everyday [he goes] to work, [he does] not know what is going to happen,” which is refreshing and keeps his curiosity level high. To further show his passion in newswriting, Cullen explained that the work he was composing “never felt like work.”

Cullen, proud of his roots, came back to Malden with incredible stories and endless learning experience.

Heather Braver

Class of 1985

It was not just her time on the field as a cheerleader, or her time on the stage in Drama Club, but everything that Malden High School had to offer that made Heather J. (Kahn) Braver a brilliant success.

The experience of MHS helped shape her career, as well as the person she is today. Teachers were the main prize when she attended high school. Classes helped her figure out what she liked and what she did not like. English teachers helped inspire her to become more than herself and express her individuality.

Working as a news anchor for ABC news has allowed her to reach her full potential. She learned that she had an interest in science during her years in high school, which has led her to cover health stories; she loves uncovering the story and analyzing the smaller pictures.

She cannot be more thankful of the opportunities offered to her after her meaningful experience at MHS. However, currently, she realized that staying at home with her younger children was a job that she knew she had to fulfill with every ounce she has, similar to her job in the news business.

She is proud of her five kids, and hopes they take advantage of their surroundings and what they have to offer.

Keith Knight

Class of 1984

With his humor and memorable moments at Malden High School, Keith E. Knight found his passion as a cartoonist. After graduating from MHS, Knight found himself writing cartoon strips, some of which have one awards.

His more well- known comic strips, “The K Chronicles” and “Th(ink),” made appearances in newspapers. “The K Chronicles” reveals a continuous story about Knight himself; “offers a strange and hilariously twisted view of the world through the eyes and pen of your average, African-American male,” explained the main webpage for the series.

Knight writes relatable pieces with political, social, and racial themes that people can easily follow.

James Matisoff

Class of 1954

High school students around the world learn a second language in order to widen their connections and communication skills. Learning two, even three, new languages is impressive, and the rewards are endless. James A. Matisoff, similarly, knew the benefits of learning languages, but instead of mastering one throughout his years, he has mastered twelve.

With twelve languages under his belt, Matisoff was able to produce many papers about his findings. By learning many Southeast Asian languages and Native American languages, Matisoff hopes to stress the importance of language, and the sadness of one’s extinction. Losing a language is losing a culture that can never be retrieved, and that is true sadness.

Matisoff is proud of his work, like all of the Malden community.

Phillip Weiner

Class of 1972

With an impressive background glazed throughout his years, it is heartwarming to see Phillip B. Weiner reach back into his Malden roots and celebrate with everyone.

After graduating from Malden High School, Weiner completed his education at Northeastern University and Boston College Law School. Although his experience in the classroom was over, his experience in the real world had just begun.

After starting off as a prosecutor in Bristol county, Bedford, Weiner eventually found himself working for the United Nations as an International War crime Prosecutor. He spent time in Hague, Netherlands. Additionally, the Yukoslavian War involved areas such as Bosnia and Croatia, in which he learned a lot during his six years there.

In 2008, he was given the opportunity to become an International Judge.The busiest war crime scene, Herherzegovina in Bosnia, brought him unforgettable experiences. He has been “consulting to countries who want to change their legal system.”

He has made many strides and accomplished plenty.

Emma Schofield

Class of 1902

A lasting memory highlighted the night of May 2, 2014, when Malden High School Alumni radiated through their acceptance speeches.

Emma Fall Schofield, through her many years of raw experience, fought endlessly for women’s rights. Although she kept her title as strictly “judge,” her efforts extended beyond that.

Her fierce attitude towards her goals allowed her to become the first woman Assistant Attorney General in Massachusetts. She continued her career as an associate justice for 27 years.

Schofield never rested a day; her efforts were extraordinary.


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